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Ickworth Park Primary School

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Racquet Skills

Racket Skills Club is run by Jo Hughes who is both a highly qualified coach and experienced PE teacher and includes badminton, tennis etc. 

The club aims to give children a positive first experience and develop a lifelong love of sport together with a healthy lifestyle.

  • Wednesdays 8am - KS1 Racket Skills Club (Reception, Yrs. 1, 2)– Pupils are able to experience fun modified versions of the games and develop the fundamentals.
  • Fridays 8am- KS2 Racket Skills Club (Yrs. 3, 4, 5, 6)– Pupils can further develop their skills and play games in their recognised format.  They have opportunities to develop their leadership skills and sessions are designed to help all abilities in a fun and rewarding environment.

Racket Skills Club can help and support pupils:

  • Enabling pupils to have an opportunity to experience non-traditional school sports in a friendly, fun and welcoming environment
  • Physical- improve pupils balance, speed, agility and coordination through fun games whilst learning how to play the games.
  • Learn how to rally and score games
  • Develops tactics, problem solving, sportsmanship and leadership
  • Develops concentrationbuilds confidence and social skills.
  • Many of the skills learnt can be cross transferred to help performance in other sports.
  • Numeracy and literacy- includes cross-curricular approach
  • Activities adapted for different abilities to engage and enthuse all.
  • To reinforce a healthy lifestyle “A great start to the day!”

Please book asap, limited spaces!


Racket Skills Club commenced in 2009 at Ickworth Park School and has introduced many children to Badminton and Tennis giving them opportunities to learn non-traditional school sports and aid in their development.
