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  • First Camp Out hailed a hit

    Tue 09 Jul 2019 Mr Phillips

    The year 3/4 Camp Out on 28th June proved a great success.

    Around 60 children, parents and teachers converged of the school playing field for an evening of outdoor fun.

    Parents and children enjoyed playing Capture the Flag together after putting up tents. Others made bead necklaces and bracelets  from Elder wood while another group gathered wood for the fire pit.

    Before tea we were joined by comedian and author James Campbell who ha d children and adults alike in fits of laughter.

    After an awful lot of sausages and beans were consumed tried to bake our damper bread other the fire and then just ran around playing games before Mr Phillips told a bedtime story, 'I Henry Finch' by Alexis Deacon.
    Mrs Lewis said of the evening: "Just wanted to say how brilliant I thought the Campout was and to say a massive thank you to all the staff who played their part in making it happen, particularly those who were brave enough to stay overnight!  I loved that it was open to every child regardless of whether they had a parent staying or helping.I thought the storyteller was fantastic - the adults enjoyed listening to him just as much as the kids."

    We would also like to say a very big thank you to the PTA who gave us the money to pay for James Campbell's visit. 

