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Ickworth Park Primary School

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Meet the Governors

Ickworth Park Primary School – Governors


Who are governors?

Our school governors are volunteers who are motivated to make a positive contribution to the education of Ickworth Park School children. We are people from different walks of life, some are parents of children in the school, some live in the community and others work in the local business community or are appointed by the local authority. There is always at least one staff governor.

Our Current Governors are: -


Type of Governor

Committee Chair

Andrew Howard



Kirsten Steele



Pippa Hilton


Safeguarding Governor

Eleanor Sykes



Helen Woodroffe



Caroline Holt

LA Appointed


Tom Lockwood


Chair of Governors

Henry Hopking


Health & Safety Governor

Elly Reynolds

Deputy Headteacher


Kevin Podbury



Hollie Pritchard




What is the role of the governing board?

The purpose of governance is to provide strategic leadership and to create robust accountability and oversight of the educational and financial performance of the school.

There are 3 core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


What do governors do?

As governors work closely with the headteacher supporting and challenging them whilst engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views.

Some of the activities include:

  • Attending governor board meetings, usually around 7 times a year which may be held outside of school hours.
  • Looking at information and evidence on the school’s progress and discussing with school leaders.
  • Selecting and appointing a headteacher following the resignation of the current headteacher.
  • Making decisions about issues such as pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary matters
  • Undertaking induction training and ongoing development.



What do governors not do?

Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. This is the role of the head teacher and Senior management team (SLT). We complete visits as part of their role but do not assess the quality of teaching. We monitor this be analysing data provided by the school and external sources.

Governors do not monitor individual children’s performance or behaviour but may identify themes and trends by monitoring the progress of groups of children.

Governors will engage with stakeholders, including pupils and parents, but only deal with complaints that have not been resolved directly with the school. If you have a concern then we encourage you to approach the school in the first instance.

Governors do not fundraise for the school.


How often do we meet?

Governors meet at least once a term as a full governing board. We also have various sub-committees who also meet once a term. In between meetings we complete training, carry out school monitoring visits, review documents and respond to emails and telephone calls as the need demand.


How do I contact governors?

Governors are keen to hear your views and are happy to be approached in person. More formal approaches can be made in writing to the chair of governors which can be left with the school office.


How do I become a IPPS governor?

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please get in touch with the school. Our terms of office are four years.

Anybody over 18 years of age can apply to be a governor. There are no specific qualifications or requirements for the role. The governing board needs a balance and diversity of knowledge, skills and experience. You do not need to be a parent or have a background in education.


Other relevant info…

More information can be found here

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests for your information.
